Yernur speaking Kazakh
This video was recorded by Teddy Nee in Taiwan. Kazakh, also known as Qazaqsha or Kazakhstani, is the official language of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh people have their origins in medieval Turkic and Mongol tribes, with their name likely first appearing in the 15th or 16th centuries. The Kazakhs have been nomads throughout their history, based primarily in the steppes of northern China and parts of Central Asia, as well as occupying the Uralic Mountains. The founding of the Kazakh Khanate, which lasted from 1456 to 1848, had a great influence on the identity of the collective Kazakh tribes. The Kazakh language is closely related to the Turkic languages Nogai, Kyrgyz, and Karakalpak and, like each of these is agglutinative, employs vowel harmony, and generally freer word order. It is primarily spoken in Kazakhstan, but is a significant minority language in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang, China (nearly two million speakers) and Bayan-Öglii Province of Mongolia, and spoken in Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, and Germany. Transcription and translations: Салем бәріңізге! Менің атым Ернұр, мен Қазақстаннан келдім. Мен қазақпын. Қазақстанның Ақтөбе қаласында туып өстім. Қазір Тайваньда университет оқып жатырмын.Тайваньға келгеніме 6 (алты) жыл болды. Алғашқы 2 (екі) жыл Тайваньда, Тайпей қаласында қытайша үйрендім, содан кейін осында университетке бастадым. Мамандығым дипломатия мамандығы. Қазір 4-інші (төртінші) жыл, соңғы жылым. Бұйырса осы жылы 6-ыншы (алтыншы) айда оқуды бітіремін. Қазір біз Тауюань қаласында, әдемі бір паркте осы видеоны түсіріп жатырмыз. Бүгін ауа-райы өте тамаша. Барлық осы видеоны қараушыларға жалынды салем! 大家好!我叫 YERNUR,我來自哈薩克。我是哈薩克人。我在哈薩克的阿克托比(Aktobe)城市出生與長大的。現在在台灣念大學。我來台灣已經6 年了。來台灣先在台北市學了兩年的中文,後來上大學了。我念在外交學系。現在四年級,今年最後一年。希望能(inshaallah 的意思)今年六月會大學畢業。現在我們在桃園市的一個漂亮的公園裡拍這部影片。今天天氣很好,我對在看這部影片的人們問好(敬禮的意思)! Hi! I am Yernur, I come from Kazakhstan. I am a Kazakh. I was born and grew up in Aktobe city. Currently I am studying at a university in Taiwan. It has been 6 years since I came to Taiwan. I studied Chinese for 2 years in the beginning before studying for Bachelor's degree. My major is diplomacy. Right now I am a senior student, this is my last year. I hope I can graduate in June this year. We are recording this video in this beautiful park at Taoyuan city. The weather is good today. Greetings to everyone who is watching this video!