Norbert speaking Hungarian

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This video was recorded by Teddy Nee in Taiwan. Hungarian is believed to have originated in the southern Urals among settled hunters turned nomads, speakers of early Uralic languages. Slavic, Turkic, and German all heavily influenced early Hungarian, and there was extensive lexical borrowing among Hungarian and neighboring Slavic languages on both sides. German, Italian, and French began to influence Hungarian in the 1600s. During the 1700s, several writers organized a movement to revitalize the language, reintroducing old words, coining new ones, and bringing over 10,000 new lexical items into the daily lexicon, most of which are still in use today. Hungarian is now an official language in Hungary, Vojvodina, and the European Union. Due to standardization in the 19th and 20th centuries, most of Hungarian's dialects are mutually intelligible. Hungarian also contains vowel harmony, meaning that vowels of suffixes match or harmonize with the head word in a sentence. Although Hungarian used to be written in Old Hungarian Runes (a right-to-left script), it now uses an expanded Latin alphabet. Hungarian is spoken by over 12 million people internationally. It is part of the Uralic language family, and has traditionally been assigned to the posited Ugric branch but more recent scholarship has shed doubt on this grouping.

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