Angika is spoken in the Indian states of Bihar and Jharkhand, as well as in parts of Nepal, by approximately 700,000. Angika is not listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution in India, but it did receive the status of “second state language” in Jharkhand in 2018. In early 2023, the Angika language edition of Wikipedia was approved – thanks to Amrit and her fellow Angika Wikimedians, after a 13-year incubation process.

Amrit will utilize Wikimedia tools to build a community interested in creating high-quality oral culture and history content in Angika, her mother tongue. During this year’s project, she is providing training to Wikimedia volunteers on creating audio-visuals, extracting vocabulary from them, and uploading these content on Wikimedia projects. The content captured will also be shared with Angika speakers through WhatsApp groups. Although there are existing attempts to revitalize Angika through websites, literary books, dictionaries, and YouTube channels, these efforts are not widely known among the public. Amrit recognizes the need to promote content creation and increase awareness about the created content among the masses. She believes that building a community of practice and collaboration is crucial for documenting and revitalizing Angika.